Contact Your Members of Congress and Ask them to Act Immediately to Fix the Health Center Funding Cliff
Your voice is more critical than ever! We have now passed the September 30th deadline for Congress to fix the Health Center Funding Cliff – but the fight is not yet over, and rest assured, your advocacy is working. Although Congress has yet to fix the Health Center Funding Cliff in addition to scheduled expirations of other key programs critical to health centers and the patients they serve, Health Center Champions in both the House and Senate continue to take steps toward a fix to our cliff. As advocates, now is the time to recommit to staying engaged and prepare for the work ahead.
Make your call right now – dial the toll free Advocacy Hotline 1-866-456-3949 and follow the instructions to be connected to your Members of Congress.
- Ask Your Representative to co-sponsor the CHIME Act/HR 3770 and take immediate action to fix the Health Center Funding Cliff.
- Ask Your Senators to take immediate action to fix the Health Center Funding Cliff, and then ask them to tell you what Congressional Leadership is saying about when Congress will act to fix the cliff.